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Profile of Fahmida Noor



Name Fahmida Noor
Division River Morphology and Engineering (RME)
Designation Senior Specialist
Phone 55087611-4, Ext. 165


Academic Chronology

Fahmida Noor graduated in Water Resources Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology in 2009 and later she completed her M.Sc in Water Resources Engineering from the same university in 2013.

Professional Track Record

Fahmida Noor has joined Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) on 1st August, 2010 in River Engineering Division. Before joining IWM, she had worked in CEGIS for one year. She was involved in number of important water resources projects including Ganges Barrage Study, Gorai River Restoration Project, Phase II. She is specialized in River morphology, Bank protection works, Local scour computation, Sediment transport, Dredging, Hydraulic modelling with MIKE21C of DHI, Water and Environment. She is also proficient in use of a variety of hydraulic, hydrological and GIS software.

Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.

Fahmida Noor received specialized training in mathematical modelling on MIKE21FM, MIKE 3 and Arc-GIS. She has few publications both in domestic and international journals/seminars/conferences. She participated in a number of trainings, seminars and workshops. She is a Member (M-29939) of Institution of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB).

Major Project Assignment

  • Mathematical Modelling for the Ganges Barrage Project.
  • Morphological Mathematical Modelling for Planning, Design, Monitoring and Quality Control of Dredging for Gorai River Restoration Project, Phase-II.
  • Hydrodynamic Model Study of Meghna River in connection with construction of 2nd Railway Bridge at downstream of Existing Railway Bridge at Bhairab Bazar.
  • Gorai offtake Management (BRIC).
  • Mathematical Modelling for Future Plan Development-After Excavation of Chandana-Barasia River.
  • Mathematical Morphological Modelling of the Jamuna River in connection with the proposed powerplant in Sirajganj.
  • Mathematical Morphological Modelling in connection with Sustainable River Management Plan for Main Rivers, Distributaries and tributaries in Bangladesh.
  • Hydrological and Morphological (Mathematical Modelling) Study and Survey for the Proposed Road Bridge on the Gorai River at Langalbandh-Naduria Ghat under Rajbari Road Division.
  • Hydrological and Morphological Study, Survey, Soil Test, Structural Design & Drawing, Preparation of Estimates & Tender Documents and Supervision of Construction Works for 21 No. Bridges at Different Upazilas of Barisal, Pirojpur, Bhola & Jhalokathi Districts under GBDRCHBIDP.
  • Morphological analysis of the Padma River in connection with the design of the Padma Bridge.
  • Long term erosion processes in Ganges River.
  • Impacts of Climate Change on the Morphological Processes of the Main Rivers and Meghna Estuary of Bangladesh.
  • Erosion Prediction in the major rivers of Bangladesh.