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Profile of Abu Saleh Khan



Name Abu Saleh Khan
Division River Morphology and Engineering (RME)
Designation Advisor, River Morphology & Flood Management
Phone 55087611-4 Ext. 112
Mobile 01841930001


Academic Chronology

Mr. Khan did his graduation in Civil Engineering from BUET in 1980 and later completed MSc. Engg in Water Resources from the same university with specialization in the hydro-morphological impact assessment using mathematical models.

Professional Track Record

Mr. Khan has a long professional career of 30 years in the planning and management of water resources. He served in the Bangladesh Water Development Board at various capacities in the planning and design of major flood control, irrigation and drainage projects. Since 1990 he has been engaged in the use of Mathematical Hydraulic Models for improved planning of water and water related environmental studies.

Training/Membership/Workshop/Seminar/Publication etc.

Mr. Khan has extensive training in mathematical modeling at DHI Water and Environment, Denmark and EIA and mathematical modeling at AIT, Bangkok.

  • EIA and Modelling held at Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, 2 weeks, 1999
  • Mathematical River Modelling held at the Danish Hydraulic Institute, Denmark, 2 months, 1999
  • Sediment Transport Modelling and River Morphology held at SWMC, conducted by SMEC, 1 week, 1997
  • Human Resources Development Skills for Functional Managers held at AIT, Bangkok, 3 weeks, 1997
  • Water Quality and Hydrological Modelling held at the Danish Hydraulic Institute, Denmark, 4 months, 1996
  • Training on English Report Writing Skill, SWMC, 6 weeks, 1994; conducted by the British Council, Dhaka
  • Mathematical River Modelling held at the Danish Hydraulic Institute, Denmark, 4 months, 1993

Mr. Khan has attended a number of national and international seminars and conferences. He has supervised various research works and owns a few publications as listed below on improved water resources planning using mathematical hydraulic models.

  • Publication of paper entitled "Preparation of Operation and Maintenance Manual of Teesta Barrage and its Canal Head Regulator" and presented at the 44th Convention of IEB at Sylhet in March 2000
  • Publication of paper entitled "Assessment of Morphological Changes due to Construction of a Barrage in the Teesta River" and presented at the 45th Convention of IEB at Khulna in February 2001
  • Publication of paper entitled "Use of Mathematical Modelling Tool for the Environmental Impact Assessment of Gorai River Restoration Project" and presented in the 3rd International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics 5-8th December 2001 in Tempe, Arizona, USA.
  • Publication of paper entitled "Study to Find Remedial Measures to Overcome Water Logging Problem in the Noakhali Area of Bangladesh" presented in the 13th IAHR-APD Conference held in Singapore in August 2002.
  • Publication of paper entitled "Study to Determine Appropriate Location and Impact of Loop-cut in a River: Case Study Loop-cut at Kalia in the Nabaganga River in South West Region of Bangladesh" and presented in XXX Congress of the International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research (IAHR) in Thessaloniki, Greece held during 24-29th August 2003.
  • Publication of paper entitled "Flood Management-Bangladesh Perspective" presented in the IWM Users Conference in 2004.
  • Publication of paper on the Baggerdona Drainage Study and presented it at the 3rd International Symposium on Flood Defense held in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, May 25-27, 2005.
  • Publication of paper entitled "Mathematical Modelling in Flood Management" presented in the IWM Users Conference in November, 2005.
  • Publication of paper entitled "Impact of the Tipaimuk Dam on Northeast Region of Bangladesh" presented at the 5th International Symposium of Environmental Hydraulics (ISEH-V) held in Tempe, Arizona, USA in December 2007.

Major Project Assignment

  • TA-4562 (BAN): Early Warning Systems Study
  • Mathematical Modelling Study for Haor Rehabilitation Project in the North East region of Bangladesh
  • Mathematical Modelling Study to support the Updating/Upgrading the Feasibility Study of the Eastern Embankment Project of Dhaka City
  • Climate Forecast Applications in Bangladesh (CFAB)
  • Feasibility and Mathematical Model Study of Approaching and Strategy for Rehabilitating the
  • Buriganga-Turag-Shitalakhya River System and Augmentation of Dry Season Flow in the Buriganga River
  • Updating and Validation of General Model and Six Regional Models